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Tier I provides universal strategies that are good for all students by providing safe, compassionate, and predictable staff interactions

Staff-Student Interactions

Youth Mental Health

First Aid


Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis.  You can request  professional learning through your Educational Cooperative.  Click the link to the contacts page.

Trauma Informed Care for Educators (TICE)

Trauma Informed Care is a program for increasing understanding of trauma in your community and the effect it has on student behavior.  You can request  professional learning through the your Educational Cooperative by clicking the button below.


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Comprehensive School

Threat Assessment

“Prevention must start before there is a gunman at the school door. ”

Although schools have a relatively low rate of violent crime in comparison to other settings, concerns about school shootings have stimulated increased school security and use of zero tolerance discipline. School threat assessment is a more proactive and flexible violence prevention practice that is used when an individual threatens to commit a violent act or engages in threatening behavior. 


Program for De-escalation

CALM CARE is a self reflection guide for ensuring teachers that they are using universal de-escalation strategies in the classroom.  Click the link above to download the program documents.  Use the link below to request professional development.


Interconnected Systems Framework


The Interconnected Systems Framework is a structure and process to integrate Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and School Mental Health within school systems.  The goal is to blend resources, training, systems, data, and practices in order to improve outcomes for all children and youth.  There is an emphasis on prevention, early identification, and intervention of the social, emotional, and behavior needs of students.  Parent and community partner involvement is critical to this framework.  Use the link below to contact your local educational cooperative for more information.

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